Fellowship in recovery

Overcomers Outreach is a Christ-centered 12-Step recovery program available to hurting people in churches of all denominations. Our support groups are sharing groups, directed by leaders who have walked their own 12-Step recovery journey for at least a year. 

 Step 12 “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message of Jesus to everyone and to practice these principles in all our affairs”

Check out the July 2024 Newsletter



  • Alcoholism
  • Drug Addiction
  • Eating Disorders
  • Sexual/Love Addiction
  • Depression/Emotional Struggles
  • Nicotine Addiction
  • Compulsive Gambling
  • Codependency

A Bridge of Hope

Overcomers Outreach’s primary purpose is to provide a two-way BRIDGE for people between traditional 12-Step support groups and those within churches of all denominations.

  1. Individuals within the church who have kept their problems hidden or have been reluctant to attend recovery groups in the community can come to Christ-centered Overcomers Outreach groups and due to rule of anonymity, they find a safe place to share.
  2. Additionally, people within traditional 12-Step programs are offered a fresh look at the “higher power” they have been seeking, in the person of Jesus Christ.  This spiritual experience can pave the way for their return to the church of their choice.